What is SEO ?SEO analyse

What is SEO? The term SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO is a collection of techniques. These techniques are aimed at optimizing and improving your website or webshop for findability in search engines such as Google. Search engines such as Google, Bing etc. assign value to a website or webshop. All techniques that are used to increase the value of your website fall under SEO.

Why do you want to use SEO as an entrepreneur?
As an entrepreneur, you want to recruit customers, sell products / services, collect information, then you need visitors on your website. What does a visitor do before coming to your website? Googling! Googling is a verb and everyone does it. We search the internet for a product or service by using search engines.

We then click on one or more of the results shown to continue to the website or webshop. What about these results shown in the search engines? The results that are displayed in Google are divided into 2 parts. A paid ad and an organic position (no ad). The trick is to give a website the highest possible position.
One of the things we try to achieve with search engine optimization is getting a better position in the search results for keywords that are important to your company. The added value of a higher position is almost always expressed in more (targeted) visitors. A higher position in the search results is therefore an important goal and can contribute to achieving good business results.